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2015 Democracy Day – Globe Celebrates

How Democracy Works and Why it Works

Democracy Voting

You ever ordered food from a restaurant? Nice to know you’re going to be filling yourself with food that you want to eat. This is how it works with democracy. You make the decisions and accept the outcome.
Now let’s take that example again and remove the crucial factor of you deciding what you want to eat and leave that decision up to someone else. So whatever decision this person chooses, you’re forced to bear with. That is how it works without democracy. You are left to convince yourself that whatever decisions have been made for you, has been done so with the best of your interests kept in mind, though it may not always be the case

And, democracy works because people want a say in their future and control over their lives. With democracy, they get this. In addition the peoples trust in the government grows. In turn, the government can function more efficiently – a win-win situation for the people and the state.