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Engineer’s Day – Sir M Visvesvaraya’s Birthday

Acknowledging The Engineers Place In The New Evolving Economy

Engineer's Day

The occasion also wishes to honour not only Sir M. Visvesvaraya alone, but all engineers who wish to follow in his mechanical footsteps. Preparation of the tasks that which the engineers would have to face with the economy evolving itself into a technological organism that relies heavily on innovation, new sciences and newer learning, all the while adapting to its ever evolving and changing dynamic. And guess who are the chosen few to be at the forefront of all this technological evolution? You guessed it!
Setting future goals for engineers, both experienced and learners alike, so as to succeed in providing the quality and efficiency that engineers have come to be relied upon. All this proving just how critical an engineer’s presence is to the economy.

Finally! A day in which the limelight is shone not on the constructs, but rather on those behind it, those that put the late hours, worked all the designs and equations out till not a flaw could be found, ensuring for themselves and those around that innovation, led by design, combined with the right tools, wrapped around hard work and determination would create the perfect construct: Human capability.