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September 16 – International Day For The Preservation of The Ozone Layer

Ensuring The Cause Continues

Ozone Day at school

On International Day for the preservation of the ozone layer, all school levels, organizations and communities devote teachings and activities that focus on topics related to climate change, ozone depletion and the ozone layer. This is done as a way of educating those young and aged about the ongoing problem of global warming and just how worse it can get if things continue without any change. And, it also ensures that future generations would learn from this imitative and continue its goal for achieving positive climactic conditions. Other activities in this initiative also include:

  • The promotion of ozone friendly products, showcasing the various products created that offer the same functions but with a cleaner outcome
  • Public awareness posters to be used for events centered on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
  • Awards are given to those individuals who have played a tremendous part in the betterment of the world. These awards also acknowledge the work of organizations and companies

The bottom line is melting ice caps, glaciers, eradication of ecosystems, rising water levels, killer heat waves, severe weather conditions and constant destructive hurricanes coupled with chillier cold storms are not what comes to mind when you think of a ‘Bright future’ for the generations to come. But there is a possibility that this is the world we may pass down to them. So if you appreciate this little blue planet that we live and depend upon, then make sure it lives for a longer time than you do.