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Is It Safe To Eat Tamarind During Pregnancy?

Women go through many wonderful changes in life and one of the most life-changing developments in their lives happens to be the phase of pregnancy. When a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to experience a range of changing emotions due to the splurge in the activeness of the hormones inside her body. Women begin to have weird cravings for food during their pregnancy. And how to handle them is the biggest concern as what they eat might affect the baby growing inside them as well.

Tamarind During Pregnancy

Often, pregnant women wake up with the craving of wanting to eat something sour, and specifically, they’d hint towards wanting to eat the sour king of fruits—the tamarind. Now we all know the sour punch that this fruit carries with it no matter how subtly you eat it irrespective of which form of it you eat. This tropical fruit that is grown in parts of Asia and Africa has fleshy pods that are very sour; it has been used for medicinal purposes for ages. So, is it safe to consume during pregnancy? Let’s find out by reading further.

Disclaimer: The change in terms of food habits that a woman faces during pregnancy is known as dysgeusia. During the pregnancy phase, women often tend to crave sour food items like tamarind, pickles, lemons, etc. While a majority of people think that consumption of tamarind is very harmful to a pregnant woman, several health experts feel that moderate, we repeat, moderate consumption of tamarind is good for the health of both the mother and the fetus growing within her.

Why You Should Be Eating Tamarind During Pregnancy

  1. Boosts Immunity

Experts say that tamarind is good for both mother and unborn baby as it is a very rich powerhouse of nutrients. This fruit is very rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins which will help boost the immune system of the woman’s body. And pregnant women are more likely to lean towards eating tamarind because of its sweet and tangy taste.

  1. Lowers The Risk Of A Premature Birth

Tamarind is known to be a rich source of iron as well; this helps balance the increase in the volume of blood in the mother’s body. This does two things—lowers the chances of premature birth and lowers the chances of the baby being born with low body weight.

  1. Helps Regulate Blood Pressure

A majority of women who become pregnant develop high blood pressure during their pregnancy phase. Tamarind is known to have potassium content which helps in lowering the blood pressure levels to normal and keeping them regulated.

  1. Drives Away Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is very evident during the first trimester, waking up to feelings of nausea will not make anybody feel good, isn’t it? Consuming tamarind will help drive away morning sickness as it has a very laxative effect on the body’s stomach.

  1. Helps In The Development Of The Foetus

The presence of vitamin B3,4 and niacin (nicotinamide) is abundant in tamarind. It will serve nearly 10% of a pregnant woman’s daily nutrient requirement. This helps in better development of the digestive system, brain, and nerves of the fetus.

Why Should You Consume Tamarind In Moderation During Pregnancy?

  1. Presence Of Vitamin C

The tamarind fruit is rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C. While the addition of vitamin C to everyday diet is essential, too much of it can harm pregnant women. Here’s what vitamin C is capable of doing when eaten beyond measures:

  • We all that the first month of pregnancy is very crucial. And if you take too much vitamin C this month, this vitamin can reduce the production of progesterone in the body. And this could lead to miscarriage.
  • There are certain studies that talk about the chances of a pre-term birth occurring when one eats too much vitamin C.
  • Some gynecologists also talk about how consuming too much vitamin C can damage cells in the body as well.
  1. Aspirin Interaction

Several tests and studies talk about how aspirin tends to interact negatively with tamarind. So, if you are somebody who takes aspirin in their medication, don’t use tamarind when you are pregnant as it could lead to the following issues:

  • Tamarind allows your body to absorb more aspirin.
  • This might lead to more evident side effects on the body.
  • And increased aspirin absorption in the body has been linked to miscarriages.
  • During your late pregnancy period, if you end up taking a full dose of aspirin, it will lead to much-delayed labor as well.
  • Aspirin can lead to bleeding complications in both the mother and the baby.
  1. Laxative

Tamarind helps a great deal in fighting the problem of constipation as it is a laxative. And we all know how much of problem constipation is during pregnancy. However, if you consume too much tamarind, there will be too much laxative and this is quite fatal because of the following reasons:

  • It can lead to uncontrolled diarrhea that could complicate pregnancy.
  • It can dehydrate the body.
  • It stimulates contractions of the uterus just when you are in the last phase of pregnancy, this could lead to pre-term birth as well.
  1. Ibuprofen Interaction

Just like aspirin, tamarind tends to interact with ibuprofen as well in the body. And this interaction between the two of them can be very harmful. Take a look:

  • In the world of pregnancy medications, ibuprofen is categorized as a D drug—this indicates that consumption of ibuprofen during the third trimester of pregnancy can be very fatal to the fetus.
  • It is so dangerous that it can close the baby’s heart passage permanently. This will lead to damage in the lung and heart which might cause death.
  • Ibuprofen is also proved to delay labor in pregnant women.

We know that entering the phase of pregnancy can be overwhelming. Your body will have to deal with so many changes and you will be concerned about the right choices you will have to make in terms of lifestyle habits, food habits, and what should be avoided the most. The concern is justified! Consulting a dietician will help, not just any dietician but the one who has the knowledge of dos and don’ts when it comes to pregnancy food. Ensuring the best of health for both the mom and the child is very important. And consuming tamarind in controlled quantities can benefit pregnancy. And at the same time, too much of it could cause fatal consequences as well. Therefore, make your best choices, be aware of what is going inside your body, and shouldn’t be going. Practice positivity and don’t panic over small problems. Motherhood is a beautiful journey to venture upon and walking on this path with the utmost care and love towards yourself and the baby growing inside you is very important. And whenever you think you need help or information, never hesitate to go and reach out for help. Take help from health professionals as they will have the latest information regarding pregnancy and how to take care of yourself and your baby in this phase. Stay happy, stay strong, stay beautiful, and very happy motherhood to all you mommies out there.

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